Installation Zigbee products

Installation instructions for zigbee products

Installing Trust Smart Home Zigbee products should be relatively easy. However, there are some basic principles that should be taken into account.
For an optimum wireless Zigbee range, place your control station in a central location to the house or general area. Preferably in the same room where your Zigbee bulbs are located; for example in your living room. Keep adequate distance from walls, metal objects / tubes and other devices such as routers, cordless landline phones, baby monitors and Bluetooth devices.


Which product would you like to install?

Would you like to install a Z1 control Station? Watch video 1.

Would you like to connect a Z1 or ICS-2000 control station to a Zigbee bulb? Watch video 2. 

Would you like to connect a ZYCT-202 remote control to a Z1 or ICS-2000 control station? Watch video 3. 

Would you like to connect a ZYCT-202 remote control to a Zigbee bulb without a Control Station? Watch video 4. .

Would you like to connect a Z1 or ICS-2000 and a ZYCT-202 to a Zigbee bulb? Please note you will have to connect the control station to the bulb FIRST (video 2) and after that you are able to connect the ZYCT-202 remote control to the remote control station. After that you should connect the ZYCT-202 to the bulb (video 3). 

Of course you need the Trust Smart Home application for your smartphone or tablet. Download the App for iOS here. And download the App for Android here.


Video 1: How to install the Zigbee Z1 Control Station?


Video 2: How to connect a Zigbee lamp to a control station?



Video 3: How to connect a Zigbee remote control to a control station?



Video 4: How to connect a Zigbee remote control to a Zigbee lamp?


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