Monta Suporte para monitor em vidro temperado - Preto
Suporte para monitor em vidro temperado para uma postura ergonómica de trabalho e secretária organizada
Suporte para monitor em vidro temperado para uma postura ergonómica de trabalho e secretária organizada
Work takes up a big chunk of your day, so it ought to be comfortable too. Enjoy ergonomic and productive working thanks to the Monta’s large surface area of 50x20cm, making it big enough to hold any kind of laptop or screen for an improved viewing angle.
We’re bidding adieu to plastic and saying hello to the Monta’s stylish tempered glass top plate. Not only does it provide a sturdy base for your laptop or monitor, but it also allows you to work in a more sustainable way.
By elevating your laptop or monitor, this stand provides you with an extra level of space underneath so you can easily store your keyboard or other accessories when not needed. More convenient and organised working, here we come!