Installation troubleshooting

Solutions to some common installation problems.

IMPORTANT: After every step, wait 20 seconds and check if the problem is solved.

  1. Check the manual to see if another installation step is needed (like installing drivers/software ) and do this step.
  2. Connect the Trust product to another USB port.
  3. Connect the Trust product not to a hub, but directly to the computer (and vise versa)
  4. Remove any other USB device from the computer.
  5. Remove* any old drivers related to the same kind of product.
  6. Run Windows Update and restart PC.
  7. Keep internet connection enabled when connecting the Trust product.
  8. Update the drivers of your motherboard (consult with your computer manufacturer to find out how)

* To remove old drivers, follow these steps

  • Click the Windows Start button
  • Click "Control Panel"
  • Click "Programs/Uninstall"
  • Select the old driver in the list.
  • Click "Uninstall"

When none of these steps are working, try your product on another computer.
Does your product work on the other computer? Then consult with the manufacturer of your computer to solve the issue with your computer.

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